Q. What is PRO E.M.?
Ans: PRO E.M. is an after-school program for Math and English.
Q. Which grades are catered by PRO E.M.?
Ans: PRO E.M. was originally designed for Grades 1 till Grade 6, but with increased popularity we have extended our program for Grades 7 and 8.
Q. What do our workbooks have?
Ans: Our workbooks are designed with topics taught in school but with revisions every week, more word problems, mental math, grammar, writing and analytics.
Q. Why after-school programs are getting popular worldwide?
Ans: Throughout the world, after-school programs are gaining popularity since they provide that extra study time that is important for children to gain solid understanding of concepts taught in school.
Q. How do we make sure the child gets smarter?
Ans: We are an individual study program so we check the strengths and weak areas of your child in a better way, which are overlooked in classes. We focus a lot on revisions, word problems, mental math and writing with continuous practice so the child starts gaining confidence and understanding of important Math and English topics of school course.
Q. How do we work?
Ans: At PRO E.M., we take an initial assessment to check the current understanding of Math and English. We develop workbooks of varying difficulties; initially for the topics where the child has trouble in understanding and then gradually align with the regular workbooks so the child understands the topics done in school in a better manner.
Q. For how long does a child come?
Ans: We have 2-, 3- and 5-day programmes, with maximum of 5 hours per week, so the child learns consistently and not get over tired with the school routine. Based on assessment performance, we recommend parents for the best program.
Q. Should every child take our program?
Ans: Yes, because our workbooks will always challenge your child on varying difficulty levels and this you can get neither in school nor on the internet! Feeling challenged and developing habit of critical thinking starts from early years and goes on forever!
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