About PRO E.M.

PRO.E.M. is an after-school programme for Math and English for primary and secondary groups,now moving to higher grades. It is also an attempt to promote education within those people who can't afford to go to school, emphasizing on our mission of "Perhana Zaroori Hai" which means "Education is Essential".
At PRO E.M.'s evening program, we have workbooks that not only helps your child with the topics learnt in school but also additional topics to improve fundamentals of Math, Mental Math, English Writing, Grammar, Speaking and Reading.
Heading 1
"I believe in innovation and that the way you get innovation is you fund research and you learn the basic facts. " -Bill Gates
Focus on:
Reading, Writing, Spellings,
Comprehension, Grammar

Focus on:
Core Math Concepts, Revision,
Mental Math

Individual Study Program

Find answers instead of getting answers

Improve the Fundamentals

Individual Study Program
At PRO E.M. your child must complete a minimum of 4 learning hours per week. We offer the below different programmes!
2 - Day Programme
Two days a week
2 hours per day to complete 4 learning hours
3- Day Programme
Three days a week
1.5 hours per day to complete 5 learning hours

5 - Day Programme
Five days a week
1.5 hours per day to complete 7.5 learning hours
Our Parents Say
Cognitive Reasoning
Spark Creativity
Peer Collaboration
Weekly Performance Analysis

PRO.E.M. helps develop cognitive reasoning in your child through exercises involving mental Math, word problems, fundamental properties of numbers and other concepts not taught at school
PRO.E.M. re-kindles creativity within a child through exercises like re-iterating a story, creative writing, describing images, reading and summarization with a lot of focus on Grammar and expression
PRO.E.M. strengthens peer collaboration through exercises including striking and maintaining conversation on a topic to expressing group opinions and speech
PRO.E.M. focuses on level based learning and weekly performance analysis of the child; moving to the next topic or level once the child is completely ready and keeping parents updated about their child's progress

PRO.E.M. emphasizes on concept building and developing creativity with the aim to help students acquire the acumen to apply the understanding in real world problems. One of the major challenges is that most students remember the facts by the process of memorization as practiced in schools (Rote Learning) but this is a transient learning and hence fail when they have to apply the same in a challenging problem at the exam or somewhere else. Similarly, children find it difficult to express ideas into writing or taking out time to read and re-iterate what has been studied, in their own words. Spellings are also a big challenge along with using the right words in the right context for expression. These skills are critical in studies and later for career progression. We aim in building the study material that targets these weak skills that are not monitored at the schools. Our vision is that grade scoring comes naturally once a child learns by understanding, becomes sharp in mental Math calculations and develops creative writing and good expression skills. On the broader scope this helps students move between factual and conceptual understanding; developing perpetual knowledge that is transferrable across multiple domains.

Our Mission is to make good education a possibility for all! There are extensive workbooks to target children coming from different backgrounds and levels.
At PRO.E.M. we have designed Math and English workbooks in a manner that accentuates learning through understanding. The workbooks are accoutered with content that not only complies with the general curriculum but also actuates the child to think un-conventionally via activities like mental Math, and creative writing. Cognizance in Math and English is amplified by adherence to time limit set to solve a certain set of questions; only then can the child ascend to the next level.
There are also morning programs to help the underprivileged learn basic concepts as well as social, ethical and moral values, effective communication and skills to excel in their careers and lives!

Plot No.34 Marina Commercial Cornice Road Phase IV Bahria Town Rawalpindi
0300 0388717